My first visit to the Culinary Institute of America - Greystone went well. I was very excited to see, in person,  the place I will be spending the better part of the next 2 years.

Everyone was very nice. Several speakers mentioned the family atmosphere and I could really feel it. Some current students sat down and spoke with us about their experiences. It was very enlightening. I think this may be harder than I thought it will be, but I am still looking forward to it more than I have anything else in a long time.

They are all so young- though I am thankful to see a few older students in the group. It was still a little disheartening to see that I was older than some of the staff that have been there a long time. It has been a long time since I have studied or had to memorize anything. It sounds like there is plenty avenues to get assistance of you need it. They have counselors, tutors and lots of folks waiting and willing to help.

The next months until September will be interesting.
